Microsoft Azure
A quoting tool that streamlines the process for bundling Microsoft products.
UX/UI Design
Front-End Development
Server-Side Development
QA Testing
With Azure Site Recovery, you can have peace of mind knowing that your business will continue to run smoothly during power outages or other disasters. By deploying replication, failover, and recovery processes, you can keep your applications running without any major interruptions. Not to mention, Azure Site Recovery is also cost-effective and dependable.
The Challenge
Microsoft APAC approached us with a challenge: to increase Azure cloud solution sales and hardware bundling through distributors. They needed a system allowing distributors to manage all quotes and sell Azure cloud solutions as a package.

Our Approach
After a series of interviews with the Microsoft internal team and distributor, we designed a web solution with deep integration into Microsoft APIs to generate complex quotes on the spot. The solution allowed for the selection of devices (PCs) and other hardware to be bundled with M365 and other Azure backup and disaster recovery offerings.
The Outcome
Microsoft APAC met its objectives by demonstrating an easy-to-use web tool for simplifying an extensive product and software range. Microsoft was now able to prioritise bundles that met current objectives and enabled distributors to adapt and deliver results. Because of the built-in systems we designed, they have an Azure pricing rate card, API integration and an automatic cloud services recommendation when adding a relevant product to the cart!
With the new system from Microsoft APAC, distributors can now swiftly and easily quote hardware and Azure solutions. This not only simplifies their sales process but also opens up new sales opportunities, potentially increasing their revenue. Moreover, it relieves salespeople from the burden of paperwork and trial-and-error methods, allowing them to focus more on selling.